2021 Exhibition Uncategorized

Annual Exhibition

Hello All!

The club will host its annual bonsai exhibition at the Atlanta Botanic Gardens on the 8th – 9th of October.  After missing out on our 2020 exhibition and with the 2021 exhibition delayed, we are thrilled to be back!  Since it has been some time since we last had a show, this year’s event is all about participation.  We want you, both the novice and the experienced hand to come and show your trees, have the chance to spend some time together and learn from our guest artist.

This year’s guest artist is Tyler Sherrod, of Dogwood Studios, from Hickory North Carolina.  Tyler was introduced to Bonsai when he worked at the Bonsai Learning Center in Charlotte, North Carolina.  Working at the Bonsai Learning Center he attended several workshops with Boon Manakitivipart of Bonsai Boon in the Bay area.  Boon assisted Tyler in gaining an apprenticeship with Shinji Suzuki in Obuse, Japan.  Tyler left North Carolina and began his apprenticeship with Mr. Suzuki in 2011.  Tyler’s apprenticeship lasted for five years.  In the Spring of 2016, Tyler received his professional certification from the Nippon Bonsai Association.  Working under Mr. Suzuki, he was responsible for refining trees and preparing them to be entered in Japan’s top bonsai competitions which included Kokufu-ten, Taikan-ten, and Sakafu-Ten, where several of the trees won top prizes.

Tyler will serve as the judge for the exhibition, lead two informative critiques of the show, perform a demonstration on Friday afternoon and lead a workshop on Saturday afternoon.

This year’s show will be is divided into two categories:  Novices and Experienced Exhibitors.  Novices are encouraged to bring a tree in a bonsai pot and we will help you get prepared for the show on the afternoon of the 7th.  Experienced exhibitors are requested to bring a traditional bonsai display, consisting of bonsai, stand, and an accent. 

Prizes will be awarded for:

Best In Show

People’s Choice

Best Deciduous Tree

Best Conifer

Novice 1st Place

Novice Honorable Mention

Experienced 1st Place

Experienced Honorable Mention

As always we are seeking volenteers for set up, staffing the club table during the show, and breaking the show down.  Please reach out to a board member if you wish to volunteer, as we need your help!

Show Schedule:

Thursday October 7th:

1:00pm: Set up volunteers to arrive to arrange tables, backdrops and lights

4:30pm – 7:00pm:  Trees and Stands to be dropped off by exhibiting members

7:00pm:  Exhibition Room closes for the day

7:00 – 8:00pm:  Final arrangement of the show by the guest artist

Friday October the 8th:

9:00am:  Gardens Open

9:15 – 10:00am:  Judging

10:00am – 12:00pm:  Informative Critique of the Exhibit with Tyler Sherrod, guest artist

2:00 – 4:30pm:  Demonstration by Tyler Sherrod

7:00pm Show closes

Saturday October the 9th:

9:00am:  Gardens Opens

10:00 – 12:00pm Informative Critique and tour of the exhibition Tyler Sherrod, guest artist

1:30 – 5:00 Bonsai Workshop with guest artist

5:30pm:  Raffle of Demonstration Tree

6:00pm exhibiting members may begin removing their plants

Sunday October the 10th:

9:00am:  Breakdown tables, backdrops and lights

11:00am:  Break down complete!

7 replies on “Annual Exhibition”

Hi I have sent several emails asking for detail for membership.
My primary question is do you have to a complete bonsai tool kit when you join ABS and do you have tools or local referrals to purchase tools?


Thank you Carrie, yes Brownlee reached out to me and was very helpful.
So helpful I decided to become a member! 🙂

Hi, I consider myself beginner, I would like to bring 2 small trees. Can I display both? A ficus and a boxwood.
Thank you,

Dear Jose,
You are very welcome to bring a tree and put it on display. I would kindly discourgage you from bringing the boxwood though, because of Botanical Gardens policy regarding boxwoods. They don’t want boxwood blight to be introduced into the gardens by accident.

Anything else I need to know? Is there another location with more details? How do I show proof of membership to get free admission?

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